Shadowhunters, NYCC, and More!

First of all, I have to mention that I ADORE CASSANDRA CLARE’s SHADOWHUNTERS! Second of all, can I just say how it is sometimes hard to live in a different country? You don’t get to go to events like NYCC! ๐Ÿ˜ฆ but Third,ย a lot of things happened relating to our favourite Shadowhunters novels.

Yesterday, the lovely Cassandra Clare had her own panel on Friday at the New York Comic Con, and discussed and answered many fan questions. She also revealed (with the help of our very own Magnus Bane, Harry Shum Jr) the cover of Lady Midnight, which is also revealed to be released on the 8th of March 2016!

Cassie and Magnus Harry revealing the cover for Lady Midnight!

Cassie and Magnus Harry revealing the cover for Lady Midnight!

over shows Emma Carstairs with her famous sword Cortana. It was done by Cliff Nielsen who also designed the covers for The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices. The colours are gorgeous and the water theme is great since Emma greatly known to be afraid of the ocean.

The cover shows Emma Carstairs with her famous sword Cortana. It was done by Cliff Nielsen who also designed the covers for The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices. The colours are gorgeous and the water theme is great since Emma greatly known to be afraid of the ocean.

I know what you are thinking. “THAT’S TOO LONG A WAIT!” i know! But Cassie has been treating fans with snippets to keep us full until the final release date of the book. โ˜บ๏ธย Click here for the snippets!

Also, earlier today, Cassie, McG, Ed Decter, and the cast of Shadowhunters answered the fans’ questions. One of the askers was even brought up on the panel by McG!

I'm so happy for you!!

I’m so happy for you!!

She even got a hug (and kisses) from Malec! Have to say we're a bit jelly, but happy for her!

She even got a hug (and kisses) from Malec! Have to say we’re a bit jelly, but happy for her!

Also, fans were surprised and treated with an exclusive, never-before-seen footage and a first look at Shadowhunters,ย which will premiere on ABC Family (soon to be Freeform!) on the 12th of January 2016, after Pretty Little Liars! Check down below at the sneak peek as well as the teaser and theย official trailer!


Matt ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

WELL, were those not amazing?! BY THE ANGEL! I loved it, everyone loved it, Church loved it, Chairman Meow loved it, and I think you did too! Haha!

2016 has so much in store for us, and I honestly cannot wait!

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Remember to make your everyday worth it, pray and don’t forget to..

God bless everyone! ๐Ÿ™‚