Review Policy


I am accepting ARCs, finished copies, and graphic novels books.
I am not accepting ebooks, audio books, comic books, self-publishing or interactive media books. 
If you plan to send me a book for review, please check through my archives to make sure I have not reviewed the book already. If the book is part of a series and is not the first book in the series, then I may request the rest of the series or the previous ones as well. If you would like to send me anything please first contact me at


I accept MG & YA fiction in the following genres:

  • Fantasy
  • Historical fiction and select historical non-fiction
  • Fairy tale/myth retellings
  • Mystery
  • Gothic horror/romance
  • Victorian
  • Christian allegory
  • Christian contemporary
  • Poetry

I accept non-fiction in the following genre:

  • Christian contemporary

I am NOT accepting books in the following genres:

  • Non-fiction (with the exception of select historical books and above citation)
  • Memoirs/modern biographies
  • Contemporary
  • “Issues” books (dying mothers, family drama, etc)
  • Extremely political or “hot button” topics
  • Free verse novels
  • Short story compilations


If I accept your book, I will read and review it. I will do my very best to read the book promptly. If it is an ARC, then I will also do my best to read and review it before/in time of the release date. However, please allow me 2-3 months from when I get the book to when I am able to post the review. If my review will take longer than that I will try and contact you.


I rate my reviews as follows:
five-stars= I loved it very much like a child!/would like to own a copy!
 four-stars_0= I liked and enjoyed it very much!
3star= It was overall good, but there were points in the story that affected and
                             bothered me.
2-star= There were some parts that I enjoyed, but mostly did not.
one star= I did not like it at all!

If you have any questions, please contact me through
Thank you very much! God bless!

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