Secrets in Phoenix by Gabriella Lepore BOOK REVIEW

(I have just finished the last of my exams today, which is great because I can get enough sleep now!
…which however probably won’t happen because I am going to read and forget to sleep. :))

Hello, hello! It is Friday, it is time for another book review! Our book today is Secrets in Phoenix by Gabriella Lepore. (BEWARE, COULD HAVE SPOILERS)



  1. to Ben! I am so happy for you! Congratulations on Oftomes! Secrets in Phoenix‘s the first ever book that has been published by Oftomes, and a lot of people have bought it already! More books to come!
    2. to Gabriella! I am so glad I found you and your amazing writing through Ben! I am happy that this and How I Found You have gotten republished with beautiful new covers. I am looking forward to reading more of your books! 😀
    More blessings to you two!

Secrets in Phoenix by Gabriella Lepore


When Sophie Ballester and her twin brothers Sam and Todd are uprooted from their home and sent to a remote boarding school run by their Great Aunt Ness, they stumble upon a hidden room that holds a secret—a secret that will change everything.

The people of Phoenix Holt are not what they seem.

In fact, nothing is.

Description pa lang, nakaka-excite na. 😉

I remember when I first found out that Oftomes was going to publish SoP back in September.

I’d heard lots of good things from other people about Gabriella Lepore, imagine my excitement when I did.

  • I was instantly hooked from page one!
    The plot was fast-paced and amazing! I liked how it’s not only focused Sophie, but also about everyone else including Wilber and the back-story of Phoenix Holt and the secrets it holds. I also liked the supernatural elements all over the book.

  • The characters were very well written!
    – Sophie is a great person to start with. She is not so easy to be deceived and will do anything for her brothers and even her Aunt Ness!
    – Sam and Todd. I can relate to them with their relationship as a sibling, but mostly to Todd because as a middle child of four, I’d had to fight for attention from our Mum and sometimes a little bit of jealousy’s inevitable. Just a tiny bit. 🙂
    – Aunt Ness was a bit eccentric at first, but she came to be very caring for her nephews and niece like a mother. I liked that.
    – Then there’s Jaxon–oh mY GOSH JAXON dear. It seems I have yet another boy added to my never-ending list of book-boyfriends.

I give it:
five-starsThis book was fantastic! I read this in between revisions 😂, but that is how I know it is a great book because I didn’t want to stop anymore. I loved everyone and everything about it! (except Reuben, no one likes him anyway)

I would recommend this book and any of Gabriella Lepore’s works to anyone!

DYK? Secrets in Phoenix was originally called Phoenix Holt 😀

Thanks Ben and Gabriella again 🙂 also for the bookmark and plate i love it ❤

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If you liked this, check out my other reviews or share them with the others too!

Remember to make your everyday worth it, pray and don’t forget to..

God bless everybody! 🙂

THE SELECTION by Kiera Cass Book Review

“Thirty-five girls. One crown. The competition of a lifetime.”

HELLO, everybody! I am going to be doing a book review on The Selection
by Kiera Cass which I read (the whole series) in three-four days!


The Selection Cover

For those who do not know, read or have not heard of this book, The Selection is set a hundred years into the future, in the country of Illea (the former United States). And instead of the President, the King and Queen with their Prince son rule the country. Everyone is divided into different groups or castes, and their jobs or status in life are determined by it.
So royalty. That would mean princes and princesses = just another mushy and girly romance book, right?

WRONG. It is actually a bit more than that.

The story focuses on and is in America Singer’s perspective. Girls between the ages of 16 and 20 are chosen through a selection process to marry Prince Maxon Schreave, who’s coming of age. The Selected are staying at the royal palace and are showcased on a TV program. The Selection is held so princes can marry women who can keep up with running the country alongside him. Despite loving another boy outside her caste, America Singer enters the competition and is selected to be one of the participants. She soon discovers that Prince Maxon isn’t unlikable and snotty, as she assumed him to be, but rather an honorable young man with good intentions. It’s sort of like The Bachelor mixed up with The Hunger Games, only with less blood and violence. he he

melting and screaming and all the feels right now

melting and all the feels right now

To be honest, I was a bit skeptical at first because I thought just that. I nearly didn’t want to read it, but I am very glad I did! I am happy I listened to everyone who read it and said good things about it, because I loved it so much! Yes, it was a bit girly in some parts (that is obvious and perfectly normal), but it is actually better than I thought!

So much better!

There were things that could have used a little bit more information though. Like more on the Southern Rebels, I really want to understand more of them. Also, I was kind of annoyed with America for being indecisive between Maxon and Aspen. Like, come on. Pick! He’s the one in front of you calling you ‘my dear’!

my heart hurts you're beautiful

my heart hurts you’re beautiful

Also, I was sad at certain deaths at the end. But it was overall a great book! I recommend it to anyone who likes dystopian, romance novels!

me when i was reading the whole thing

me when i got to the second and third book

The Elite and The One (sequel and conclusion novel {America’s perspective}, respectively) are just as great! There are two more novels in the Selection series. One is The Heir (the fifth is yet to be named), which focuses on someone related to certain people in the first three books ;’)

Max Irons. Yep. Definitely, perfect as Maxon.

Oh, Prince Maxon. Where can I find myself a Maxon Schreave?

(I have too many fictional boyfriends lol)

I would recommend this series and any of Kiera Cass’s works to anyone!

I give it:


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If you liked this, check out my other reviews or share them with the others too!

Remember to make your everyday worth it, pray and don’t forget to..

God bless everybody! 🙂

RED QUEEN by Victoria Aveyard Book Review

Rise, as Red as dawn.

Those are the words uttered by the rebellious Scarlet Guard that send shivers down every Silver’s spine, bring hope to Reds, and are honestly stuck in my head now.

HELLO, everybody! Today I am going to be doing a book review on Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard.

Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

Red Queen Cover

So first of all, let me just say that this book is BRILLIANT BEYOND BRILLIANT! I’ve read it for the first time last month in a day, and I also read it again last week, BUT my mind is still processing everything that has happened!

If you do not know what Red Queen is about..
Red Queen is a about Mare Barrow, and Mare is a Red girl. Her world is divided by blood—those with common, Red blood, who are sort of like the servants, the workers, the soldiers, basically anything that requires work and sweat, and they serve the Silver-blooded elite, who are proud and powerful, sort of like gods. The Royal Family are also Silvers. Silvers are gifted with superhuman abilities like, super strength, elemental powers, mind control, healing powers, etc.
Mare is thrust into the world of the Silvers when she discovers that she is like them.. only her blood is Red.


What I love about Mare is that she is a very strong, persevering person who will do anything for her friends and family. And even if two lovely boys are pining for her (who are the princes, may I just say, and are gorgeous), that doesn’t overshadow her desire for justice and being a part of the rebellion. They are well written, and are aware enough to realise the more important points of the story instead.

Taken when I received it

my copy of the book!

Fans who loved The Selection and The Hunger Games will also love this! But then again you will love it even if you haven’t read those. Oh, I wish I could meet Victoria Aveyard, and talk about the book with her! I love it like it is my child! And because I loved it like that, I give it five-stars

I cannot wait to read Glass Sword. February 2016 im so excited! and i just cant hide it

It's so puriiiitiiii

It’s so puriiiitiiii

Thank you so much for visiting my blog! Come back again tomorrow for another book review on–The Selection book series.

Cal and Maven are HOT 💕 lol bye

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If you liked this, check out my other reviews or share them with the others too!

Remember to make your everyday worth it, pray and don’t forget to..

God bless everybody! 🙂