Secrets in Phoenix by Gabriella Lepore BOOK REVIEW

(I have just finished the last of my exams today, which is great because I can get enough sleep now!
…which however probably won’t happen because I am going to read and forget to sleep. :))

Hello, hello! It is Friday, it is time for another book review! Our book today isย Secrets in Phoenix by Gabriella Lepore. (BEWARE, COULD HAVE SPOILERS)



  1. to Ben! I am so happy for you! Congratulations on Oftomes! Secrets in Phoenix‘s the first ever book that has been published by Oftomes, and a lot of people have bought it already! More books to come!
    2. to Gabriella! I am so glad I found you and your amazing writing through Ben! I am happy that this and How I Found You have gotten republished with beautiful new covers. I am looking forward to reading more of your books! ๐Ÿ˜€
    More blessings to you two!

Secrets in Phoenix by Gabriella Lepore


When Sophie Ballester and her twin brothers Sam and Todd are uprooted from their home and sent to a remote boarding school run by their Great Aunt Ness, they stumble upon a hidden room that holds a secretโ€”a secret that will change everything.

The people of Phoenix Holt are not what they seem.

In fact, nothing is.

Description pa lang, nakaka-excite na. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I remember when I first found out that Oftomes was going to publish SoP back in September.

I’d heard lots of good things from other people about Gabriella Lepore, imagine my excitement when I did.

  • I was instantly hooked from page one!
    The plot was fast-paced and amazing! I liked how it’s not only focused Sophie, but also about everyone else including Wilber and the back-story of Phoenix Holt and the secrets it holds. I also liked the supernatural elements all over the book.

  • The characters were very well written!
    – Sophie is a great person to start with. She is not so easy to be deceived and will do anything for her brothers and even her Aunt Ness!
    – Sam and Todd. I can relate to them with their relationship as a sibling, but mostly to Todd because as a middle child of four, I’d had to fight for attention from our Mum and sometimes a little bit of jealousy’s inevitable. Just a tiny bit. ๐Ÿ™‚
    – Aunt Ness was a bit eccentric at first, but she came to be very caring for her nephews and niece like a mother. I liked that.
    – Then there’s Jaxon–oh mY GOSH JAXON dear. It seems I have yet another boy added to my never-ending list of book-boyfriends.

I give it:
five-starsThis book was fantastic! I read this in between revisions ๐Ÿ˜‚, but that is how I know it is a great book because I didn’t want to stop anymore. I loved everyone and everything about it! (except Reuben, no one likes him anyway)

I would recommend this book and any of Gabriella Lepore’s works to anyone!

DYK? Secrets in Phoenix was originally called Phoenix Holt ๐Ÿ˜€

Thanks Ben and Gabriella again ๐Ÿ™‚ also for the bookmark and plate i love it โค

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If you liked this, check out my other reviews or share them with the others too!

Remember to make your everyday worth it, pray and don’t forget to..

God bless everybody! ๐Ÿ™‚

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